Wednesday, June 17, 2015

City management their own worst enemy

What is the deal with abandoned and vacant properties. Cities often have a silly rule of inspecting them for safety. Now as a Real Estate Investor this can definitely put a monkey wrench in your well thought out rehab. You have everything set to go. The property closes and your contractors are scheduled. You have already bought the supplies. Three weeks and we sell this property. giving back to the neighborhood as a beautiful home for a family.

Well it did not go that way. What we live in the good old USA. Freedom and all the great things that go along with that. The city says you cannot get water, because this house has been empty for a year. Okay I can comply with that. It is now 5 weeks later and still no sign of the people who live and work and probably drive by your property everyday. Well your first thought is money. They want money, but yet they are not getting any money until they do the inspection and issue my permits. So what is it all about.

Some cities deliberately cause this nightmare in particular areas in order to bulldoze off old neighborhoods so hedge funds can come in and develop new businesses or homes and neighborhoods.
I wish I could say this was my case, but it is not. In my case the management of the city is just behind the 8 ball. They don't seem to be able to get anything done due to the shortage of staff. If the city cannot afford adequate staff to take care of rules they have imposed, maybe they should be fined for the loss of funds to the homeowner. Shouldn't they have some restrictions on their inspection requirement. Like if we cannot do this in a week the homeowner is free to turn on the water and move in or get permits to do repairs. Why is the city not held responsible. Don't we pay their salary. Why are they making our life uncomfortable and seem to bear no responsibility for the loss to taxpayers.

Some cities just seem to run the city into the ground to the point they cannot get anyone to invest or buy property in their area. I believe that most people elected or placed in city positions just should not be there. They somehow got in office and really have no clue how to manage a city. The point I am making is that city management need to become public friendly, after all they are public servants and should work with our best interest in mind.

I suggest that city employees all think about the fact that we do pay for their lifestyle.. We put them there to work in our best interest and keep the city running smooth.

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