Monday, January 1, 2018

Where do we go from here in 2018?

Well 2017 was a year filled with enormous changes politically, socially and emotionally in our country and throughout the world. The thing I find amazing is that people have an amazing ability to co exist in a time of such great division. What is it that really divides us?

I believe we all want healthcare, peace, jobs, education and a clean environment. We just can't agree on a solution. Maybe we are broken. Maybe we all need to really decide what is the core problem. Is it ego or self serving beliefs. I know a number of logical and intelligent people that just are not making sense.

So my wish for 2018 is that we as a country reevaluate what we stand for. How are we going to achieve what is best for all and not just for the few? This is my hope for the United States of America.

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