Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Real Estate Investing. Are you ready to take the Plunge?

Real Estate Investing is impossible! So we may say to ourselves, but is it really? All those big Hedgefunds and all their money and infinite resources are sucking our markets dry. Not to mention the avalanche of online real estate Gurus and their internet prowess from anywhere in the world. Can the little guy make it big in this crazy real estate world.

I say yes. You just have to have a solid plan and take advantage of all the wisdom and knowledge available on the internet. Go to some seminars. Read some books. Absorb the millionaire mentality and snatch it for yourself and your future. Lets face it. What do we have to lose. A 9-5 job that will never support our retirement, if we can retire in these economic times. We need to figure out Why? Yes I said WHY? If we know the WHY in our life we can forge ahead and make anything possible.

The journey to being Real Estate Investor is an exciting and challenging path. You will encounter all your fears, but if you feel the fear and do it anyway you can achieve anything. Each and every day and each and every deal will present challenges. You learn to adapt and change to accommodate to create your world. Yes your world, not the bosses world, but your world. Wow what an amazing adventure when your world comes alive because you had faith and believed that you are in fact an Investor.

That first deal is the ultimate achievement. The one you can't wait to get and can't wait to finish. Yes you know the one. The one that you thought was gonna take 3 weeks and a month goes by and you still can't get into the property, because of some silly city inspection. Yeah you know the deal. time is ticking and you really had no warning or idea that this could even happen. Yes live and learn the investors motto.

I do believe that if you want something bad enough, you can do it. Now if it were easy everyone would do it. So don't get me wrong. You will spend tireless days working at your 9-5 to get the paycheck that barely pays the bills. Then late nights and weekends looking at broke down properties, just to see if there is a deal there. Then how are you going to finance it? Hard Money? Not sure, but you don't have it in the bank. Creative financing becomes your friend. What can I juggle to get the deal and then after a couple of deals, maybe someone will notice my achievements and loan to me to do another deal.

You then realize how many things you need to run a successful business. Help. I need Help. SEO what the hey is SEO. Well the method to even get noticed on the internet is in depth and complicated. So many programs to offer you help in so many different ways. It is almost impossible to choose. Then what do I do about taxes and liability. What type of legal entity do I create?

Wow there are more questions than answers, but not to worry there are plenty of Real Estate Gurus out there just pick a program and go for it.

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