Wednesday, July 4, 2018

What does the 4th of July mean to you?

Every year we take time off, get together with loved ones, make lots of noise, cookout, eat lots of food, and shoot fireworks into the sky. I know it is all in celebration of the Declaration of Independence. But have you every really taken time to reflect on what it really means to you? Well this year I am going to try to determine what this holiday represents in my life. So many things come to mind. First and foremost I would say it represents the freedom that I have to decide my destiny. Yes to determine what path I should follow or forge to achieve my life's purpose. If our forefathers had not declared us Independent then our lives would look very different today. Each and everyone of us share that same freedom to evolve and become a new and improved version of ourselves. We were born to achieve and become a greater version of ourselves, but often we forget and stay stuck in life's quagmire. So if you have been thinking about change take the leap. Have faith in yourself and your new destiny. It might surprise you what this world has to offer!

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